Well, its pretty funny,
but its quite short, but the again so is most of the things submitted in this style of work. good graphics and all, but i'd say next time maybe a collection of them, or maybe a short series and episodes.
Fuck being dead!
http://z6.invisionfree.co m/Atom_Association/index.
Well, its pretty funny,
but its quite short, but the again so is most of the things submitted in this style of work. good graphics and all, but i'd say next time maybe a collection of them, or maybe a short series and episodes.
0MG ¥0U 4R3 $0 1337.
It was ok...i dont think it really sucked...it was just way to short. True the part about bein dead...but it was just kinda weird...cant really explain it
Soviet atom destroyed the forums
atomassociation.21.forumer.co m/index.php
than we went back to the old forums!
z6.invisionfree.com/Atom_Asso ciation/index.php?
I am...
One sexy bouncin pimp!!!!!!!!!!!111
Start posting on teh new forum sum more!
nuh uh
why is it dat when we come back and have the brilliant idea to drag our death out for a lonnnng time, you guyz do exactly the same thing?
yu guyz are walkin on thin ice >:(
ooooooo k....
uhm.... weird. im not sure what it was supposed to be about. i have no idea what the purpose of this was. the artwork wasnt bad, i guess, and the music was annoying. it wasnt the worst judgement entry, but im gonna blam it bcuz it has no place here on ng in my opinion