Making the same flash 19 times with only the words changes isn't flash or a collection, it's spam. Either make on with a plot, or stop making them.
Its live action squirrel with big balls
Making the same flash 19 times with only the words changes isn't flash or a collection, it's spam. Either make on with a plot, or stop making them.
OMG not again
Two words........ Are you that stupid? you can onley make a flash that has two words? why dont you combine a whole bunch insted of uploading them like this? This is the stupidest thing ever.a cat with a cursor to show that its moving and a picture from the inter net... WOW great animation and creativity. Save bandwidth and stop makeing these...
Try making a flash with more animation, or use a song from the portal and make one.. its not that hard, you have some experience, just please stop making these. Dont make a 20.. Please, I, know you can do better
How did this get by?
I mean a squirll with nuts you found on google and bad animation made in flash that looks like paint^
I mean Come On!