That was so funny, xD made me laugh, good job on the flash.
To all u sceptics out there, the reason there is a divX symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen is because I rendered the animation using the free divX codec which automatically sticks their logo over your work.
If still suspicious pleas do visit my web site, and observe all the other videos r divX also. All the extra hits would be most welcome. ļ m/mattmcintosh/animation/
Hope that clears things up.
as I was saying the before all the divX confusion
This shot film really is of too shorter duration and lacking of any narrative to needs a commentary. It can be taken entirely at face value.
But to give it a some context. This is an animation I made 2 years ago, using a 3D Studio Max. it was inspired by a painting done my sister which u can see at the end of the move.
Enjoy! Or not
PS I am already aware that I missing tail fins on the back of the plane.
That was so funny, xD made me laugh, good job on the flash.
That was unexpecting, and obsolutely hilarious. I just find it funny to find any "rabbit" getting chopped up in a turbine...quite random to be accurate...gave me quite a laugh :D
Wow, you really did that in max?
The effects looked really well as if they came out of particle illusion (well except for the blood, you could tell that was just a simlpe spray).
Great little short.
I almost want to blow the whistle on this because the names mismatch...
the graphics were good.. But im rather curious about the divx symbol, i was about to blow the whistle but i wanna see what its there for... i think i might though pm me please about this
I’ve put an explanation regarding the divX logo on my Author's comments, I hope that clears things up.