Revoluionizes the way flash movies are made
Quite the innovative idea you got here. I really like the FBF style going on. If anything, FBF was MADE for this movie.
:::Second Real Flash Next to my Horrible Real First Attempt "Superman" :::
Something i made for school.
Revoluionizes the way flash movies are made
Quite the innovative idea you got here. I really like the FBF style going on. If anything, FBF was MADE for this movie.
Not ment for FBF but it was ok
not bad.. not ment for FBF though..
Its Okay
Its cool and all but i mean, c'mon. You know how many videos are like this? Alot. Nothing new or interesting, I only watched this to see if it would be like Resistance for PS3. Not very original, but the fact that you made it and all I guess its okay if this is sort of your first flash.
~Try Harder~
this is so godlike it doesnt even matter that the screen is slightly off.
side note: broken? i think not... more like godlike.
I think this flash is broken cause it would not load and the screen just stayed white so please fix?