I'm a fan of the books and this angers me.
Hey Guys, its been a while since Ive posted some of my work here. This is an english project that I made for school. The animation is supposed to be stupid and that is what makes it funny =)I hope you enjoy it!
I'm a fan of the books and this angers me.
Well, I laughed...
Gaw, it was pretty stupid. But funny despite itself; isn't that what NG is all about?
Just... For Christ's sake, you even spelled "Xanth" wrong. And it doesn't matter what you're going for, there is no excuse for bad animation, even humor.
Where did you get a photo of Ms. Debernado?!?
Seriously though you need to send that to me so that I can get it on the school yearbook!!!
This was a disgrace to the awesome bookseries Xanth. You should be ashamed of yourself.