Kick ass awsome!
Overall it was awsome! i like the idea and its a super cool twist at the end. i hope you make a sequil.
Its actually part of a longer animation. but I felt I might as well just put it out.
Kick ass awsome!
Overall it was awsome! i like the idea and its a super cool twist at the end. i hope you make a sequil.
Superheroes, straight and to the point
I don't usually enjoy traditional superhero material, but this absolutely rocked. Wasted no time in being AWESOME. I would recommend the artist aim even higher next time,. Nice opening credits too.
Is this a joke
It's just a blank screen.. i don;t get.. Looked like a fantastic animation from the review but it dind;t load up.. Whats up..
I can tell that your an artist not only by the well drawn characters, but the awesome color scheme you used in this movie. The colors were vibrant, and all fit together perfectly. Your style is great and so is your animation!
wow, im pretty sure this took forever.
this was amazing. #1 on my favorites. keep it up. it was just awesome.