This demo actually shows some game play, so it's one of the better one's I've seen thus far. I like the idea of a Tom Fulp fighting game, I think I've seen it done by modern day. Unfortunately, it looks like this was never finished.
Months of hard work have lead to creating the fighting engine for this, so don't start griping if it's too short. It's just a fucking demo after all...
The controls are simple; (Turn off caps lock)
a = punch
s = kick
Right Key = move right
Left Key = move left
Up Key = jump
I plan to add more for the complete version.
Well anyway, play it and tell me of any glitches you may find, other than those listed below. (These glitches are intentional)
-Kill Mode is off (You cannot kill each other yet)
-Timer Out is off (Nothing will happen when the timer reaches 0)
-Combos are turned off (I havent finished the combos yet)
(Be aware that this plays like shit if you use a processor slower than 466MHz)
I posted this so you can get a feel for the complete version. Graphic wise, it will be like this, although I plan to make a few more changes with the programming. Tell me of any unusual glitches (i.e. A character disappears for no reason, he starts spazzing out, or some crazy shit like that).
Besure to play it and make comments, User feedback is very important to the completion of the final version this winter. So feel free to post any comments. (Note that all hate/spammings will be disregarded and/or responded to with the wrath of an angry Kraut)
Well, thats all for now, Enjoy! ^_^
This demo actually shows some game play, so it's one of the better one's I've seen thus far. I like the idea of a Tom Fulp fighting game, I think I've seen it done by modern day. Unfortunately, it looks like this was never finished.
Why would I want to play as a faggot who shows his penis to children
Well ok maybe he doesn't do that but still
first off why wont he die....
second why was the timer set to -71
whatever dude
too easy
Hey,in the full version y don't u add a difficulty option,why?way way way way way way way way way way way way way too easy. THIS IS THE EASYEST GAME I'VV PLAYED.I can DRAIN wades health to none in less THAN 5 SECONDS!
Hmmmm ...
The idea of this game is awesome, the gameplay is alright but i have a few remarks...
I seemed to be Tom Fulp fighting over his brother, byt when his hp ran ou, he still wasn't dead .. Strange huh ? After a wile i just kept holding the a key and i would keep knocking Wade, that sucked ... If you would just add a few more characters, special moves and shit like that, this game could own...