Pretty Good
It's a shame, but really, this same sort of thing has been submitted a million times before.
The gameplay is pretty solid and I think you're level designs are better than most of the other games like this.
However, in order, to really set it apart from the others, you need to make a nice interface and good graphics. You've already got the programming now, so just invest some time into making it look pretty. I don't know, maybe make the ball a person or balloon or plane or star or something. Give the levels backgrounds - maybe make it so you're controlling something from a birdseye view and trying to get them to the exit. Make the walls part of the environment, and make hazards part of the environment too, like, make a series of levels a factory and the walls are electrified and there are buzzsaws flying about, or something to that effect.
Make it so the player can change the music, or turn it off entirely.
And make a cool title logo and a smooth and likeable menu screen. If you do all that, you're bound to make a great game and probably get front page.
I'd really be interested in helping you, if at all possible. My e-mail is ChillehGod at gmail, in case you want my help, though I don't think you need it.