You didnt answer my last review considering the blam points b4 it got erased so i win.
Use the The Secret to buy the The Secret.
Feel free to leave reviews. All reviews are answered.
You didnt answer my last review considering the blam points b4 it got erased so i win.
yeah fuck you.
This was so random and dumb, i found no humor whatsoever.
you spazz
I could understand why you would resubmit the same animation under a different name, but come on. This is basically the 3rd time in a row I've seen this flash. Please, move on and do something else.
WAJA? HEJA? no comment....
at first i thought the other people who reviewed were just assholes, but unfortunatly i have to agree with 'em to a point. kinda wasn't funny, or good. the sound could've been alot better, and the storyline made no sense. as a final summary...can't think of one. the flash has jsut washed my brain of imagination.
Nice try, just make your next submission a bit refined....again, nice try.
I fail to see talent... or anything.
As most people have said, what the fuck?
The voices were completely annoying, the same damn intro is as well. The graphics were ok, but the lip syncing sucks. The storyline is crap.
Start from the beginning and learn flash and how to entertain people.
Ouch, so harsh. I am so shattered. I hope you feel better about yourself.
Thanks for the review!