Seems very funny... besides click on the LOL bbqnudlez words in the menu for an easter egg!
LEGALLYASIAN lives ot give people seizures
EBOT says your a commie
MAGYAR recomends you get glasses
BENDOJR wanted co-author because he drew a stick figure, I thought it was funny so I gave him a lolipop and Co-Authoured him
Seems very funny... besides click on the LOL bbqnudlez words in the menu for an easter egg!
This was actually notbad could use some more animation though, and the scenes could use more content and such, notbad this time.
More scenes and more contents
A better one this time
I thought that would just be the intro or something. Very, very short. Nice graphics though.
ummm.... did you even see the menu?
you might want to watch it again and press the names.
wow i mean wow but ...
it would be crap if everyone as good as you
I like Queensland, nice and sunny. Only bad thing is that there is too many crocodiles that can eats you.
thanks for the 10.