I know you love reading reviews.
So let me entertain you.
"Private properties"
"In Java, a private property is a property that can be manipulated by the instance but not by any other external script. ActionScript in Flash MX cannot handle true private properties. However, using the scope chain and nested functions, we can create properties that reside in the activation object of the outer function so that they become hidden to any script. The only way to access the properties is use them in the inner functions later on. This can't really be labelled private properties but it creates a protection mechanism, similar to private properties."
"As we mentionned before, once a value is kept in the scope chain of a function, then it becomes hidden to everything including the object that holds the function. Because of that it can't be really useful. Especially if you need to access the raw internal value from different function and you need to bypass the getter/setter from the object itself (not from external scripts obviously)."
"The best way I can think of, to create useful such private properties, is to create ALL the private properties using the activation object of the class itself. That way, all the private properties would exist in the same activation object. Because of that, the getter/setter for each private property will be able to access all the other private properties (by not using an explicit scope). And, on top of that, the getters/setters would also be able to retrieve the public properties using the reference "this"."
"On the downside, the public methods would still not be able to access the private properties and would have to use the getters/setters. Also, each instance of the class will carry unique getters/setters for each private property. If many instances are created from a class that implement private properties, it could be a killing overhead."
"In any case, here is sample code below:"
with love and spelling errors from...
"Making use of the Scope Chain in Flash MX"
"Parametrized functions, Static properties and methods and Private properties"
"- By Timothée Groleau -"
"First published on 9 April 2003"
Have you heard of anger management? I doubt it.
You have earned your zero.