that was so funny keep up the good work you gto some funny ideas i dont know really what to say but complment you on the funny flash so good job and good lukc with your next flash
I think my last animation I uploaded on here was "Like Any American Would" starring Pops, and most people found it offensive I suppose. This one is safe though. This is one of those clips know...either you like it, or you don't. You decide.
that was so funny keep up the good work you gto some funny ideas i dont know really what to say but complment you on the funny flash so good job and good lukc with your next flash
lol, thats good that you liked it..but, im not sure about my next flash..ive got way to many ideas flyin around..i dunno, but thanks so mucho tho!
the end was a laughing riot!
Ha, i'm really glad you liked it, thanks for commenting by the way.
Funny as hell at the ending. At start I thought the guy was retarded. Nice.
yeah..i suppose he looked a little retarded in the beggining, lol. thanks a whole lot though, i didnt think people would find it as funny as i first did, lol
great lip synching!!!!!
that was very impressive work, and it was pretty funny at the end. keep up the good work. \../(^_^)\../
hey, thanks for of my main points for this animation was to see if i have lip syncing down, u kno, so i can made more interesting movies. thanks alot!
its not bad
its a little boring but the ending is alright
thanks, im tryin to make my way up with what i have in front of me, u kno? thanks for commenting!