Shadow of the Colossus...
The music was from that and it is great. Also great game btw.
Anyways hoping to see chapter 2.
Welcome to the world of gaia. Where the mysteries are yet to be fully solved. Where not every inch of the planet is explored and the stories it leaves behind.
Shadow of the Colossus...
The music was from that and it is great. Also great game btw.
Anyways hoping to see chapter 2.
That was pretty cool, gave me a tingle down the spines.
cant wait for the next chapter!
and nice muzic 2
Amazing. You have TALENT. Don't dump this if it become a series. This could be GREAT!
...chills....all over my body... I only wish it had more depth...
i thought that was pretty dang good man!!!!!
YOU DO KNOW MORE FLASHS BY YOU SHALL BE MORE DIFFICULT THAN if it makes it you better get starte dwith longer flashs cause that was like less than a min! but if this is your first flash dang good job......................thats all.......cya