better than ever...hey will you make a 3?
***Please leav a review!***
******I respon to al!******
Happy Xmas and a Happy NewYear!
better than ever...hey will you make a 3?
i have made a game like this, yours was longer but lacked interactivity, it was a mix of art, animation and game(if you could say that?). over ideal length, and some funny/cool frames but changeable BG would be good and maybe you would have to find and click a key hiden in the level rather than clicking an arrow, great atempt
I made this a long time ago, I'll probably never make a V3.0 and never update this but yea, thanks for the review! :D
it was quite cool, really like that black out! :p
remember me? I like this one too but I dont suck donkey balls ok?
Thanks! ^^
its a funny flash zerobeam and Bertn roxxxx
OK... I dind't made this account... It's not me! It is just a stupid guy (FREAK!) I think. Thanks for the 10!