I don't really know what to put in here. I'll try like this:
You shouldn't change style in movie. On the beginning there was no light-and-shadow, but on ending loop there was. Also I think that you could try to draw with lines not with brush tool, because your kind of art would look alot better.
Next time draw more complicated backgrounds. Put some more effort and colours in those.
Black men are usually taller than you drew, and as of human body, hands reach nearly to knees. Nearly.
When you draw tings going out from things (that gross one with snowman) make it that item won't be sticking out where it shouldn't. To avoid this erease some bits in animation, OR paste some background in front layer, that it covers bits that stick out.
Light from rudolf's nose would be better if you would first make gradient colours from red to the dark blue (sky colour), and then make it half invisible, half transparent, or whatever it's called :).
It's hard to get what the movie is about, so make plot clearer. If you can't do it with animation, write a note to viewers on the beginning.
I don't really like that movie, and I don't get what it's about. And making black men "shit" is unfair, really :/. Besides, when you begin movie nicely, stick with it.
If this is your first movie (it seems to be, but I don't really know) so you should be proud of your animation and drawing, and shouldn't listen to guys that say that your art suck, but if it's not your first movie, nor the second, the third or any to tenth, then really you should stop trying to animate and try making techno, or writing, or something that you have more chances in.
Sorry if I "sounded" mean, I didn't want to :). Have a nice day. Honestly :). And good luck :D.
Angora ^^