Even though I did all the voices i don't get credit as an author? XD
-=Mission: North Pole p.2=-
Four soldiers continue their mission to the North Pole.
Okay, I used my little brother to do the voices because, like most people, I can't stand the sound of my own voice on a mic. I know the voices are a lil high but I really don't care 'cuz I tried havin' some friends do the voices but it was too inconvenient. <-Thats how u spell it right?
Also be sure to click on the Dancing Pirate at the end to go to a dress-up.
I plan to continue this series but with different stories, after all theres not much to be found in the North Pole.
Even though I did all the voices i don't get credit as an author? XD
It really lives up to the first part's awesome.
I gotta say, the alpha was quite entertaining.
Great, as always.
oh god stop using alpha every 2 seconds
and YOU stop being such a wackyanimator