That was just the worst.
How did you come up with such a bad idea?!
This movie sucks!!!
Part 1 of a 10 Part Series! (Part 8, C Meets Mike Mussina, is already up) C goes back in time to meet the original Orange, King William III of England, best known with his wife as William and Mary! The other parts are coming soon!!!
Part 2: Heather Graham!
Part 3: Estella Warren!
Part 4: An Atlanta Brave!
Part 5: Tiger Woods!
Part 6: Osama Bin Ladin (C gets angry!)
Part 7: Nikki Cox! (Woohoo!)
Part 9: Afghanistan!
Part 10: Nikachu (of BBS, Portal, and Chat fame!)
That was just the worst.
How did you come up with such a bad idea?!
This movie sucks!!!
that was gay
how the hell did that get a 2.35!? that was the worsdt crap ive ever seen
I'm with Gooseberry on this one. Movies like Gone With The Wind and Star Wars have nothing on this.
Non-stop action kill fest shooty fun! A perfect 10!
I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish.
StrawberrySock molests little boys!
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Dude, that's just fucking wrong, ok? It is... I mean, I can let farm animals and jokes about fucking my parents pass, but don't associate me with something utterly disgusting, ok?