It was okay, acourse I don't know how it gets its title "60".
Another short simple silly thing.
Like....20 seconds long. Bleh.
It was okay, acourse I don't know how it gets its title "60".
Neato Torpedo
That was pretty flippin cool.
The ground is his master.
pretty short and random overall, but the graphics were nice in this one, cool choice of audio and your efforts were cool, making it good to watch.
Decent ZSL short.
Even his shortest movies are better than 90% of the crap on NG. I really liked this idea... maybe a full length of this with him getting tossed around and such. Music was cool, too. Neat experiment.
I like plot
The graphics were good. Very similar to Dan Paladin. The same thing goes for the style. The music really seemed to fit this particular flash. I felt that manipulating and terrorizing this creature was sort of violent so I gave you that grade there. You had a play button, so I gave you some interactivity points. Despite it's seeming cruelty, I thought that this was funny. It was too short for me though, try to lengthen it a little bit. Over all it was pretty good.