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Road Rage Racing

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My second game. It has been completed since January 2006. I was overly ambitious and there were bugs so I put the game on hold for a long time. I've now fixed all the bugs. Enjoy the game. I'm working on some new stuff, thats much better.

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Hard to hate

This did have most of what should be in a racing game. I think the reason why I did not like it more was because it may in fact have been a bit too realistic. Of course, as I live in reality, you can never argue with something like that, can you? The music was alright, and it was just very easy to play. There was an okay amount of time put into the designs of the car and everything. I guess this is good for a quick play, but it was not elaborate to recommend, except for a huge fan of these kinds of games.


found a bug that if you hit the first car into another the game freaks out,and stops
other than that an ok game with nice music

Okay game

Speeding it up wouldn't hurt and the interface is a bit messy, otherwise not bad.


Most glitchy game on the net! Playing the game I had to work harder to find a way for it not to glitch then to find a way of winning the race... You can not win this game no matter what you do it ALWAYS messes up on the final race... frustrating.

nice but so glitched

if i just hit the opponent from the right, every frames of the file are pasing fast, including the car, the road and everything!!! W.T.F

but anyway this glitch is
W ay
T o
F reak

lohrel21 anyway good job for graphics, and if it would not be glitchy... i would love it so much!!!

Credits & Info

2.16 / 5.00

Dec 3, 2006
2:09 PM EST