..kinda agree with the guy b4 me..
...sorta tired of the new clock/lock animations...y not do sumthing original with ur charicters??...although sum of the stuff is pretty damn good...this didnt make tha cut...
Will they ever find their way home?
Thanks to a very sexy person for helping me out with actionscript ;) <3
Update : added more clocks and a reset button
..kinda agree with the guy b4 me..
...sorta tired of the new clock/lock animations...y not do sumthing original with ur charicters??...although sum of the stuff is pretty damn good...this didnt make tha cut...
What has Newgrounds come to?
Newgrounds used to be a serious place, where they would let NO faggotry, such as this pass through the portal. But ever since the year 2005, that has changed. Many faggots let about anything pass.
Are you sure you haven't been in a coma for the last 4 years?
<3ed it
i reallyliked it
thats all really =D
I reallylike you <3
it was good.i guess.
it was really, good how you did the job with the clocks floating behind the earth-clock, and stuff, but man oh man, yeah, man oh man please do a scenario, or at least a longerrrrrr movie, with something in it, not just characters floating.however its good.keep doing clocks.woo! clock crew.cool.yeaaaaah.that. over.that.yeah
I might make a movie, this was just a little actionscript test
Clocks are great but arent new.
You have the great potential to make great movies but you stick to clocks.
Clocks arent very original so try to vary around with your own styles.
clock crew 4 lyf