she pee on my wee til i herman
Hey, here it is, the ultimate Pee Wee Soundboard!
Don't forget to submit to collections on the left.
she pee on my wee til i herman
good sound quality
i pity the poor fool who doesn't eat my cereal.
lol, would you like some Mr. T cereal?
Thanks for the comment.
One problem
This was a pretty good soundbaord overall. It was very well made, the buttons were simple and it was easy to tell what to it at a certain point. My main (and really only) criticism is the volume differential. The difference between the greetings/laughs and the quieter voices is a lot, maybe too much for someone trying to make a prank call. I'd rather have those voices louder. Everything else looks pretty good though. (For me, a 7's good as I'm very strict on SB's).
This is most likely one of the best sound boards i've seen!
It would have been better if the theme song and credits song were
there to though.
I'll think about it lol. Thanks for the comment.
Random SB
Lol, that was the wierdest soundboard i ever saw. Although it was funny, I didnt like it that much. Like the other guy, add an STOP ALL SOUNDS button. That'll make it a bit better...
Alright, stop button, got it.