it made me laugh. i thought it was good for a first movie. id like to learn more about flash i can draw alright but i dont know how to make my art move or anything so maybe we could help each other.
Hi. I'm Cheezedawg from
This is my first FLASH cartoon. It's a short but funny little parody. I wish I knew more about FLASH so that I could better my skills. Unforunately, no one seems willing to help teach me. So it's all trial and error. I hope you enjoy it.
it made me laugh. i thought it was good for a first movie. id like to learn more about flash i can draw alright but i dont know how to make my art move or anything so maybe we could help each other.
Yeah, that just wasent really worth the wait.
Damn you Cheezdawg!
My f8cking gosh fool. I'm on a 24k modem. That shitty lame ass 826KB Atari graphic excuse for a flash vid, pissed me off more then any other movie on newgrounds. I couldn't hear the movie with my 5.1 Logitech speakers turned way up and it was the shortest 826Kb video in the history of flash. Wtf is wrong with you man?
What? Is it over?
Um. I wouldn't recommend watching this movie unless it's to see what you can teach the author about Flash. I don't know a damn thing about it so I'll just say that the best part was the name.
The author says it's a parody -- I might have given it a far higher score if I knew what it was a parody of, so I'll give it the benefit of a doubt with an overall of three.
Not too good.