I love Islamic calligraphy so Iimmediately give 5/5!
Happy Clock Day!
At least now you know how to write B in Arabic. =)
Edit: For all you of you smartasses, this IS the Arabic letter B. Did you think an Arab wouldn't know his mother tongue?
I love Islamic calligraphy so Iimmediately give 5/5!
muslim respect yeh
this is a sweet b submission. It is almost good as the original B Movie. good to learn Arabic Letters by the way. keep up the nice work
Awesome. Almost as good as the original! :D Also, great way to learn Arabic letters. I think this one will stay in mind for some time. Great work1
Decent for clock day
This was pretty good, another clock movie pretty entertaining, allthough it could use some improvments but being a clock movie its kinda good as is, but the animation was notbad, the whole arabic style was kind of interesting, kinda amusing infact, also the SBC was neat and a nice tribute of sorts, allthough this is pretty old flash i have to admit its still pretty good and has some good humor about it so i did get a few chuckles out of it, regardless it would be nice to see some improvments but again clock movies were not created to be the best quality of stuff, but anyways nice job.
Not sure i have any suggestions for improving, since clock movies are best known for lesser quality, but this one was pretty good as is.