best of da best butts!
oh boy, a best of. the cream of the crop :)
rtil - ah yes, the wonderful suspence building movie for season three. lots of flashing colors and wonderful sound. awesome work :D
grandfatherclock - an amazing short. infact, it was quite delicious.
Aerdail - pokemon meetings, those are always annoying to attend :( pikachu is a total dick.
TheIRG - gotta love cake. i love the awfully canadian j00bie, equipt with a hockey stick and a maple leaf. way to show that robber who's boss. nice work irg.
Kooh - a damn fine animation. lots of colors, and exciting characters. keep on scrolling for the good of man. i liked the music too, tapped my foot along with the beat :P i wish i knew what all the subliminal messages were :P
starberry - poor snake. another very moving cartoon by the master starberry. some more awesome character design, and the ghost of sevenstar lives on inside of all of us.
yeah, my feelings dont change okay?