awesome work
good job with the SB, some of the sounds were kind of low quality, and it wasnt very detailed, but other then that it was good, i liked how you put a color legend for each character, thats good, its an alternative from sectioning each characters voice i guess.
there were a good amount of sounds in this flash. i bit more cramer would have been good, have you seen thekm selling that potrait of cramer from the show at that public mall. it is pretty sweet dude. but back to the flash, i wish you put a bit more detail in it, like spiced up the buttons or something, i dont always do this myself, these are just suggestions.
good work. and i hopee to see more from you.
oh and by the way: dsiufgvysejoi5thero65tuyb5e0rthrctyrctyhh
here is your cookie
(tosses cookie)