I shitted brix!
That is just funny!
This cartoon is about an irreasonable bartender serving someone strange liquid that has mysterious powers in it.
Stupid Man, Stupid Stupid MAN!
I shitted brix!
That is just funny!
Freaking awesome
Good shit, man. It has a really great style, it's bizarre and hilarious. Look forward to seeing your next submission!!
Well thank you tonsil terror! Oh can I have you 1st born child?
Very, Very Strange
Brilliant for a first flash though, keep going!
Why thanks dear werner ghost. You have given me the confidance to create more cartoons!
very strange
So is Gargamel...
Verry good
Though there were some things that you could fix up it was a verry good first animation. It shows what detail can do. Im pretty sure you put alot of effort into it and that always good.