Maybe you should name it "Very simple AS Tutorial". I would like to point out some things that sucked about the tutorial:
1. The actionscript was too basic. I mean, come on, any inspiring flash artist knows that.
2. There were...3 subcategories? Don't you think you should include more things in your tutorial?
3. Even if your tutorial was meant for "complete noobs", which I think it is, you should at least add some step by step guides. Hell, some don't even know where to insert the actionscript. Give examples too.
4. There were errors in your tutorials in Basic Movement. Look at the code there, I don't even want to bother to tell you.
5. The button section was completely redundant. You made it so your tutorial will seem to have more content. Include it in the Timeline Control section.
6. The text was too small. Increase it.
7. The music sucked.
8. Your attitude sucks. Just because someone cannot do better than you in Flash does not mean he cannot critisize it. Do you not laugh at the mistakes made by international football players?
Therefore, I gave it a 4.