Boring After Awhile
It get's very repetitive.
EDIT: The score required to acheive a health bonus now increases as the game progresses.
This is a mouse based game with a simple concept- don't die. You just have to guide the ship with the mouse and click to shoot. The shields are a little weird because you can fly freely through them, but bullets are stopped by them. You will face increasingly difficult enemies as your score increases, but you will also gain automatic weapon improvements. To select a mode at the menu screen, fire at the ship corresponding with the relationships illustrated at the bottom left corner of the screen. Enjoy!
Boring After Awhile
It get's very repetitive.
Could've been better
The way you keep refilling the ship's HP at certain intervals and the way the difficulty stops at a certain point makes it impossible to get a game over unless you stop clicking the mouse.
I've gotten 500,000 points and always had almost full HP. It gets boring after awhile.
ok needs a god damn score board tho
I got to 421,310
did anyone top me?
Good, but some bad things
I was having a good time and got really far but the game for some reason just stopped. Idk why. Other than that, nice. 3/5
This problem has been dealt with in the newest version. Thank you for your constructive feedback. =)
Good things:
Good design
difficulty progression
Bad things:
Asteroids-ish rip-off
Laser sounds
No levels
I enjoyed playing this game and I did play it until i died. The ships looked pretty cool and varied in design and function a lot. I also liked the fact that it got harder, but there should've been something to indicate when it was about to get harder. Anything would've done from a gauge or to big red words that pop-up on screen saying "LEVEL UP!". This game reminded me of asteroids too much. The laser sounds were all right at first but after a few minutes they get annoying. You had different sounds for the enemy ships. You should've had a different sound for each weapon upgrade.