dec 21 2012
shift in consciousness is what i hope happens to this forsaken world
Please watch this and give your prayers...My father is in there and needs your prayer...
dec 21 2012
shift in consciousness is what i hope happens to this forsaken world
No, just no
This isn't the kind of stuff meant to be on Newgrounds. You shouldn't post things like this.
Ok ...
Well probably not the best of stuff to submit on here but it does have a msg if you will, sorry for the loss, the size was abit much though.
A bit large but interesting
Don't lsitian
Their is a god but the nousdomse quote was atuly mis-pronoce or translated wrong I'm sorry for you loss and I guess this FLash is point of you getting over your grif but yes aermica is not as incot as most people think well thank for the movie
bin ladin was one of the most successful ppl of al times, to get an airplane to run into a building.. but you have my sympathy with your father... gl