It was way to easy, I kept betting all my money, and just getting a higher score. Maybe make the cups move a bit faster so its harder to find the marble.
This is not coppied i worked from scatch and used flash kit to help me make it, all credit is given
It was way to easy, I kept betting all my money, and just getting a higher score. Maybe make the cups move a bit faster so its harder to find the marble.
Yeh.. there is a new one now! Check it out!!
make it harder >:(
dude, if this was real life i would be a multi sextillionare AND SEXTILLION IS A REAL NUMBER, did you know the earth would weigh six sextillion tons. oh well good if your bored :D
hmmm... maybe sixillionare, i dunno about SEXillionare
but hey...
thanks for the review!!!
Fun, but way to easy I had so much money I got sick of pressing the button to bet
good but easy
it was pretty good but just got boring after some time because it is a good bit too EASY.
its good but yeah it got a tad boring after awhile XP