but it was to long it took me 2 days to finish it im a slow reader
I know I didn't make this comic strip, but I did make this flash presentation of it, so give me some credit. I would also like to thak CDC for making this strip.
but it was to long it took me 2 days to finish it im a slow reader
fuckin awesome mad funny when vegeta says welcome back to hell lol dude u gota make more
Who the hell made this?
This was extreamly long, and I thought I was gonna read all of it. But I ended up reading about a little more than half of it. My eyes felt like they were bleeding so I stopped. But uhhh, tell who wrote this. It's very strange. Oh yeah, and I liked the part where Goku makes a joke and Krillin tells him it sucks.
Totally good
this one was a big laugh and also good drawings ;D
funny too bad you didnt make it yourself.
i thought these were great but first you didn't make it but second you atleast gave the real creator credit .its nice to see something Dragon ball related that isn't some stupid hentai thnks for the laugh : ).