just a great job and very epic really!!!
This is an extensively-updated version of a flash I submitted previously. The general consensus was that it was pretty cool, but ruined by cheesy stick figures and poor sound quality. So, I listened, went back to the drawing board, and frame-by-frame erased the stick figures and drew regular bodies. I also found a better quality audio track, which had to be tweaked to match the original syncing.
The Animatrix SE (Special Edition), not to be confused with "The Animatrix" DVD created by the creators of the real Matrix trilogy, is an animated version of the original Matrix movie trailer. I wanted to create a stylized black & white version that looked more like traditional animation, where each cell is hand-drawn, instead of drawing a couple of objects and letting the computer rotate/move/scale them. I hope you enjoy!
just a great job and very epic really!!!
Awesome stuff good work
seems like basic rotoscoping..
this movie seems to be getting a lot more attention than it should. I'm not making any assumptions, but based on my flash experience, it just seems like crappy monochrome rotoscoping. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, because I've seen rotoscoping used very effectively in movies; "Play" by Dustball for example. But this seemed very sloppy. Yes, it did capture the essence of the trailer but also, it was too sketchy and seemed too much like you were trying to pull it off as your own original work. Good luck with your next movie though..
Very Nice Interpretation
Very well done. Seeing the way you redid the Trailer in a very unique way almost brought a tear to my eye. Good Job
"Ted Theodore Logan"
made it.