I want to join
This is a parody of fat-pie forums (The Forum dedicated to the cartoons by David "Doki" Firth), although it's a pretty universal internet subject. It follows the initiation of a newbie through to his mental breakdown.
There are a couple of in-jokes, but people like these can be found on every forum. Below is the fat-pie forum's link.
I want to join
Now THIS I liked.
The beginning was a little slow for my taste, but it got much better, later on. It just kind of seemed random at first, which is not my forte. But anyway, not bad. Great soundtrack. One thing, though, the mouth of the guy when he was angry didn't look the greatest. But otherwise, this was good.
About the mouth, I know. We pressed the schedule a bit because we wanted it released for the forum. The sound also goes a bit out of sync towards the end, and I have no idea why that is
Wonderful soundtrack!
I think it needs more Alaina boobez! LOLZCOPTER ON A TREE!
Please remember to sigh.
Piece of crap