This is a very funny video - it's also nostalgic for me.
EDIT: Ok, apparently most NG users do NOT KNOW HOW TO READ! He is credited MANY TIMES
2. If you're going to ask me if I got lemons permission, then the answer is "no." And before you start going crazy, realize... this is no different than any music video. Do you think other people ask every bands permission when they make a music video? NO. SHUT UP.
3. This flash is NOT ABOUT ERIC BAUMEN in ANY WAY! Do NOT try to relate the flash to it. This flash is about something DIFFERENT, even though the song was used in a much more popular flash about him.
4. The audio was crappily edited for a comidic effect. While most of you may find that it actually isn't that funny, it's a lot better than if I had tried to recreate it with my own voice.
Also, this is the original flash, there is a stolen copy that someone uploaded.
Ok. Glad to get that off my chest.
Anyway, this flash is about the website emp3world, and how annoying it is. They promise free music, yet almost all their links are broken. And it is very irratating at times.
This is a very funny video - it's also nostalgic for me.
omg this is the best music video ever
omg amazing
Awesome parody
I hate ALTF4's work with a passion and your parody is actually very funny.
Keep up the good work.
Okay, i'm going to be completely honests.
Yes. Honests. This flash... was not very good. It was a blatant copy of an alt+f4 flash, but that's excused because it's a parody. I hope that you had permission from lemon demon and alt+f4. Second, you really need to work on your animation skills, make it more complex, animate all the scenes, maybe edit out the voice and paste your own on in audacity or a kareoke program rather than just cutting bits of the song out. lower your voice (using computers), and try to sing. if you're no good, try again, drink a whole bunch of diet pepsi and put your voice through a whole bunch of filters. I am, however, going to say one very big positive point about this flash.
You are 100% right. Out of all the links on emp3world, only about 13 of them actually work. It pisses me off to no end, and i'm glad someone other than me is actually saying something.
Well done, and don't take mean comments from nay-sayers. The chances are that they've never made a flash in their life.
Judging by what you did and did not edit out of the Lemon Demon song, you can tell that you didn't get half of the Eric Bauman jokes...
You put no effort into this flash whatsoever.
It's border-line stolen unless you recieved Lemon Demon's permission to use his song.
Better luck next time.
I didn't get the Eric Baumen jokes? This isn't even about Eric Baumen, dumbass. Some of the jokes didn't fit. If stealing is so bad, why are you now telling me to steal jokes too?
And why don't you make some flash of your own before you start criticizing others. You don't know what effort is, you stupid noob.