Take every single constructive criticism as good, nevermind if I.E. myself can't do flash for shit, I have two eyes, a brain, and I know how to use em most of the time. I understand a bad critique can upset you, but you should get those feelings and turn them into inspiration, effort or whatever you artists do with that stuff!
"sure the animation is choppy at times and the drawings are pretty sloppy but hey, i'd like to see any of you try to make a Flash video with perfect, smooth animation and high quality drawing. TRY IT." that's called Frame-By-Frame I believe, and yes it is difficult, but also the results are the most visually stunning, most peeps here sure prefer a good FBF movie over 10 tweenies, And I won't rant on anything as you already sumed it all pretty nicely so I hope to see more from you soon if you still animate as this one's pretty old already.
Much love, seriously <3