it was cool and funny
yer it was cool great and fun
Info: About 2.2 Mb , About 1 minute , Made in Flash 5
Description: In the second short here , a Narrator becomes part of the series and Billy takes him out.
For more cartoons please visit: http://kjmstudios.tripod
(Lots of funny crapolla there!)
it was cool and funny
yer it was cool great and fun
Thanks alot.
Suprised Me
From the begining I was expect something lame, but you sure showed me. The drawings may have been lame at best but the animation was fluid and the sound was clear. Humor was alrite, but I would keep working on what is killing a joke and what is telling it just right. Keep on going!
Lame at best. Sure, I'll go with that. lol. Thanks, glad you enjoyed. :)
Looks great.
The artwork, graphics/whatever, it looks good. You have a fun idea too, but the writing. Well, sucks. I'm sorry. Even the music fits it well. Just the writing needs to be redone.
Yeah. SOme of the writing was iinda stale, but then again, it is pretty good.