this helped enough to make a button for me!!! i couldn't get it to be clickable before and work! the only problem is that part of my actionscript is broken and so i can't get it to stop at the button. it just plays.....
a basic tutorial on how to make simple yet effective effects !
this helped enough to make a button for me!!! i couldn't get it to be clickable before and work! the only problem is that part of my actionscript is broken and so i can't get it to stop at the button. it just plays.....
to make the frame stop all you have to do is add a stop function to the do that click on the frame you are working with then press f9, and type...stop();
this should fix the problem .... look out for my next tutorial it should be more helpful ..!
sinship sucks
i dont see what sinship hates about this, its not bad in anyway, i mean what has he got against paragon9X or whatever, anyway it is always great to have another tutorial on newgrounds, good job!
thx 4 the review :)
Thanks for help
I must say this is very helpfull I have been having some trouble trying to figure out how to make effects and thanks to this I am starting to get it.
I would have given this a higher b score than 8 but at times it I guess you might assume that people have a greater knoledge of flash which can make it harder for people like me.
yeah thx 4 that if u ever need any more help im always here just look me up, im gonna make some more tutorials soon...
Not the greatest flash tutorial out there
Seemed a bit vague on some aspects like something you might think of as common sense but others do not know what you were talking about. When making a tutorial you have to be VERY specific in order to be a good one. This means explaining every little detail no matter how simplistic you may think it is. Other then that, not a bad tutorial in that something could be possibly learned from it if the person was not new to flash. Good job.
well at least you was honest, thx 4 the review anywayz
Tutorial? Hardly
1. There are far more informative tutorials out there
2. The colors in your "tutorial" clashed immensely and made it visually straining for the eyes
3. The effects were over the top in a bad way. Tutorials arent supposed to have text flying in and weird cursors. KEEP IT SIMPLE!
4. Do a goddamn spellcheck or something. FINISH isn't spelled FINNISH.
5. What the hell is with tutorials and ParagonX9?
6. If it's just a little quick thing you made for an assignment DONT SUBMIT IT TO NEWGROUNDS!! WE DON'T WANT IT!!
Try harder, give us something that's an actual tutorial
Preferably though, give up flash forever
well..... ive seen your animation and all you can seem to do is motion tweening so i suggest you learn some more effects by watching tutorials.....oh snap you just watches one.......13 yrs old you dont even know what you are talikng about.....go back to school ...! (i would suggest you give up flash forever m8) !!!