so long and thanks for all the fish ^.^
this is me responding to his completely stupid review for alight. go see it in person ^.^
At 7 hours ago, Aldarnc wrote:At 7/12/11 9:23 PM, jigelfrap wrote: you... are the stupidest person ever. a blind donkey could have understood more about that movie!!!!!!!!! did u not see the water and fire make the first man? nvm ur to set in your pitiful human existence to care u dont see how pointless your way of life is.... idiotGrow up kid, i've been on this site since 04, i have a degree and doctorship (doctorate you idiot... i doubt its real if a thirteen year old knows more about it than you...) and i'm on my way to becoming a university professor.
you're beyond saving
The fact you wasted your time to message a random guy on Newgrounds with nothing but moronic insults about a frankly sub-par "flash" movie suggests that perhaps it's not something that's wrong with my life, but something with yours.
no.... the sad part is you think your all that because you have a doctorate. so fucking what. first of all, what does it have to do with the current subject so... relevance? second.... you think hat it really matters. think... you can be the most FAMOUS person on earth and what does it mater...... NOTHING. dust in the wind bitch. and there is something much deeper to life than getting a job. my mom has a masters and where did that get her? how much you want to bet you were a sheltered rich child and your parents paid for everything... car... college... your whole life. and your all that so you can take credit for your parents success... thats sad. third? life is more than being successful or rich or having the biggest sex life (tho i probably have more than you.... unless you buy whores... no sane person would like you for who you are you stuck up shell of a beast) its about being the best person you can be. just making people happy. making something that someone will thank you for. because that has more worth than a million dollars in the end. so just cook a little and think that ovr. maby youll decide to at least TRY and discover what a true friend is like.... so good bye ^.^