Epic... but
The full title is "The Count of Monte Cristo in a Nutshell" But that wouldn't fit. Inspired by the classic DragonBall Z in a nutshell, it's an animated retelling of a classic tale of revenge, love, ambition, and stupid French people. I had to compress the fuck out of the sound to cram it under 5MB. If the voices stop for you at some point, let me know when. I havnt had the problem but some people Ive shown it to said there was.
Epic... but
wow this was amazeing
wow amazing the fighting was cool would be great in diablo thing to bad you ended it T.T it would have been vary good probably would have made front page...to many good videos end that way.... but y am i talking about another flash video on with the review (good)
the the comidy was the thing that mad the video *i just sweeped up here*
the sounds were amazeing the music was ok
(bad) the voices were ANOIING AS HELL the grafics are bad but il let that slide for funnyness
funnyness 5/5
music 4/5
sound 5/5
voices 0/5
overall 4/5
I hope you remake this someday.
I didn't find it very funny, but it has a lot of obvious promise as an idea. Maybe you or someone will take another shot at it someday. I would if I knew how to use flash.
It's definetly more challenging to make jokes for this kind of material compared to more mainstream properties. I'd love to see other artists tackle this kind of stuff more often. Oh well. Thank you for watching.
Very very good
Im impressed. not from the graphics. but from the way you took my favorite story and made me laugh at it. ive always thought anyone who made fun of it was a prick. but you made me laugh good job. i am actually starting to make a count of monte cristo flash myself but am taking a more serious aproach to it. i would just like to adress that when you answer the other reviewers, its ok to get angry at the mother fuckers(trolls as we casll them) who give you zero because they were dropped on their heads, but id like to say that answering them is a bad move. dont get angry and swear. grin and bear it and like you said lets see them make a flash movie. hope i didnt offend. good work.
That's very sound advice. I appreciate the sentiment. I'll make a better effort to not get worked up at people with a lower intellect than normal.
whats nec barb and sor doing here???