good, but short.
the review title says it all.
Info: Continuation of the Pilot Episode , About 3 and a half minutes long , 3.2 Mbs , Made in Flash 5
In this twisted continuation of the first episode of Drug Street Billy uses quite a few different cures for Ernest's constipation! First , we have the carrot cure , dinomite , and , for the last one . . . Billy is interupted and it pisses him off! So sit back , let it load and love it!
-Kevin K
good, but short.
the review title says it all.
its alright exept.....
Its too damn short. I will give you a 5 anyway sience you make me laugh the shit out of me.
Yeah, the sound was great
con-sti-pation.... fudge! I loved the sound, although I noticed family guy in there too... but was still great! needs better visual aspects though. The menu was brill
You bet that sound was great. :) Thanks for the great review.
the Graphics were Horrible, the Audio was Ehh and I hate how you Defiled the "Family Guy" music
well the animation wasnt amasing, but the audio was kick ass!!
work on the animation. i did like the whole menu and sound with it that was pretty good.
might need summit a bit more original
i gave this 7
Well, my animation would have looked smoother and higher quality if I had discovered masks at the time i was making the movie. Than some things could of had some more detail. Also , If I would of animated it at my usual 30 frames per second rate instead of the slow 15 frames per second you would have gotten a much smoother look out of the animation. :)