I hate navi too
Since I'm reading the reviews as i write this, I'm gonna voice on crap and wat not:First, awsomw movie, bananananananaanq(DAMMIT!!!!! I CANT SPELL BANANNANANANN(SHIT!))rox my sox, darkwolf is supposed to be badly animated, gamemaster1 can use actual words, then burn in hell, Kazuma12, ur not funny, burn in hell, Strikerz12 sux donkey balls,The_Pilot, cry me a river build a bridge and get over it, calignous_treaty, think of a better name, Newgrouds newbie, u r a ass, EvilMartin(damn this is getting old) A lot of ppl like it so dont be an ass,chicotime ur an ass burn in hell!damn my fingers are getting tired. BUT YAY!!!!!!!! I'm Done!!!!!! (Sorry this was so long, but i get pissed of when stupid(in a good way) flash is dissed by retards