Great Job and THANK YOU
This game kept me entertained for quite some time. I really liked it the graphics were awsome and so was the theme of the game. And thank you so much for using one of my songs in your game!
-Tyler (realmguys)
Requires Flash Player 8.
Right click to toggle most options and to turn off music. Make sure to click yes to the in game tutorial. The default enabled options are the easiest and most fun to play with so don't change them unless you want to up the difficulty/change the playing experience.
It's based off a real life game that me and my buddies play. The characters are likenesses of real people but I put in the option of creating two of your own players. I give you permission make fun of emo-brandon in your reviews.
Big thanks to those artist's whose music and sounds I used.
Great Job and THANK YOU
This game kept me entertained for quite some time. I really liked it the graphics were awsome and so was the theme of the game. And thank you so much for using one of my songs in your game!
-Tyler (realmguys)
man you rock that game woz awsom how the hell cood u play dat in real life tho u rock at makin flash and this game is 2 addictiv for words awsom game m8
this game is so adidting. Once I start playing, I can't stop. But it is fun, though I am not good at it.
That kicked ass!
If this were a food it wood be yum yum in my belly. That is what I think.
soooooooooo boring.... man wtf is that... so hard to trwo the thing... well...that suck