that wasb not good nothing happened so i give this a 3
Prof.Wigglepecker and his stupid assistant test their latest invention,The Counter-evolutionary Contraption with some shocking results
that wasb not good nothing happened so i give this a 3
way too similar
i havent watched the third one yet but i just pray that you didnt use the same sound clips on that one as well. you literaly used half the sound clips from the first one in this one and had almost an identical concept. I'm guessing that is soposed to be part of the humor, either that or you are just very lazy but i dont think that is it. any way, i think that you should develop the series a little, instead of having almost the exact same thing untill the very end where in some way both the people in some way get distorted in a differnt way than the last. other than that i thought it shows promise.
I love this series!
another great addition to the series!
Hey thanks ...I'm noticing that when i get a good review it's from a europian..I guess I'm like jerry lewis or something
on my behalf...
provably im like "everyone else" but i found it very funny, cute in some sick twisted way :P, good twist for science .. dont even want to know where you ot the name from, good job, jejeje
Yeah lets hear it for science well Iltell you where i got the name.. I was working hard on my flash cartoon when I spilled a cup of hot coffee on myself and I looked down to see my scalding breeches and there ta-da there you have it.
Something to just throw out there...
I suppose it is humorous in some way, but not quite as much as I thought it could be. Also, I thought the rating of the little flash vid was pretty off. It's definitely for everyone.
The thing about your "counter evolutionary" process is that you showed the ignorance of man coming from monkeys. I'm pretty sure any well-respected evolutionary biologist can tell you that man coming from monkeys is absolutely absurd. I just wanted to throw that out there, so you can know it in the future.
I did like the graphics and the drawings however.
Yeah well thats what yo say ..but I can tell you first hand that I myself evolved from a monkey...I love bananas..am relly good at climbing trees and if you ever saw my thumbs you would agree