I thought it was really funny.
Pro to the max
I thought it was really funny.
a short death...
the flash is too short and there is no point in summing up a n00bs life in 5 seconds.
graphics are ok, but to short and boring.everybody hates short crap.effects werent to bad,but they were unrealistic.lets put it at that.
I must admit that I have something for a "hand-drawn" animation that makes you feel like it is being written and drawn as it goes. The artwork is very very simple, but that is how it was intended in some scenes, so it is accecptable. I liked the various different scenes, varying from the simple stick and it's conception to the hilarious NES send-up and how you showed it. There was a nice use of various different sound effects, from original NES sounds to smashing sounds for when things go splat! It was a fun little movie, I would like to see more from you about movies similar to this.
Er...ooooookay O.o
It was...okay. The pokemon thing kinda ruined it for me. And the n00b speak. Got a couple chuckles out of it though. Strange...