Best one yet!
Monday's suck.
Best one yet!
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
OMG OMG OMG! THAT WAS XTREMELY FUNNY! OMG ranomest funniest ever!
This is another great flash, the T-Rexs roar was amazing and i think you should do more stuff like that in your flashes.
fucking funny!
ghsghjfdsjkdfgkj SAFETY MAN!!! this safety man good l1f3 ep. very funny
...i love you.
The last line said it all...
I have never been so confused in my life...
The plot was pathetic, as was the humour and voice acting. The graphics to your credit were decent, but there should've been a lot more done to them. All in all, this was toilet humour that has been overdone, overused and is just plain over.
Wow. Go kill yourself. I am the best EVA! EVA! I'm the MAN! I'm the MAN! FUCK!!