Most of them were good
It's hard to rate something that has so many different movies all rolled into the one. It's even harder to compare them and rate them as a whole. But from what I saw, even though they had poor graphics, they were all very cool to watch. I think my favourites would've been #6, #7 and #13. I think the music you chose for all the movies were excellent, and I loved listening to all of them. As well as this the humour was very cool (#13 particularly). Even though there were 15 movies (16 including the easter egg), they were all very short, and were just great to watch. I hope you have more of these in store, because despite they're randomness, they're also very diverse and combine and implement different styles into the one element. I thought this was fantastic.
P.S. What was the name of the song in #6? I took one look at the credits in the music section and gave up all hope.