peanut butter jelly time!peanut butter jelly time!i found the easter egg*i would call it an easter banana*awesome!
Ah, a Family Guy/Halo movie, gotta love em'. I made this a little bit ago, I just added a menu with some options. Didn't add a Play button, just go through scene select. Thanks. Oh and there's an easy to find Easter Egg if you look around...
peanut butter jelly time!peanut butter jelly time!i found the easter egg*i would call it an easter banana*awesome!
not bad
ok whatever not bad ...(snickers in backround)
nice try
i wouldn't say its great but u did do good. im a huge famly guy fan so of course ive heard that episode a ton of times. still the mix of halo was a bit funny. i agree with most of the other reviews u do need a fight seen and another easter egg, speaking of witch...... the easter egg well.... suprised me... i wasnt expecting that to be on there. lol anywa u also needed some of ur own content not just famly guy. but still it was pretty good keep practicing and im sure ul make a wikid flash.
Yo, man that was great. do u have xbox live? because me and my clan also make movies and we need to get poeple that cooperate well. ^_^* well, my gamer tag is Yoroen. tha same as my acount for newgrounds. if your interested, hit me up. or visit our site, royalfivepro.proboards.61.com im pretty sure thats it. o wellz,
Damn man, I'd love that! I'll send you a friend request asap! :)
He's right
Ive seen that episode of family guy 10 times so it wasnt realy funny u should use more episode skits instead of just that episode