pretty wrong i mean it's just kinda weird how u do that
this tutorials will shows you how make an movie
pretty wrong i mean it's just kinda weird how u do that
It not true
My movie included gost. No fucking squirels. It blammed. What I did wrong? Not enough breadfruits?
I use these tips to make an movie. I actually made 2 of it.
It have no gay squirrels
and it have lots of breadfruit
wowowowowowowowowowowowowwoowowowwoowowwowowowowowwowowow that is why the movie passed!!
ps - Be warned that, just as with user reviews, once you submit a response, you cannot edit it or remove it. So choose your words carefully!
i thanks you for maing this. i now no how to makes the movie to make pass on newgroud. i spend times in portals now to you i thanks!
well,that was a waste of time,what did you try to do when you made this,that your a jerk...