I love the Gorilla's design!
With this flash I was experimenting with character design and frame tweening.
I love the Gorilla's design!
How did a gorilla get a cuban cigar?...
Sorry, i ddint find this one interesting at all. The graphics are good, as usual, but... i dunno... ok, its kinda nice but... thats all. I love the rest of your work though (I mean, in flash, of course. We know you are unemployed =P )
Haha i liked this, very funny, and the gorilla was cute, i didnt like the ending much could have been better, all the little things he does did make me laugh though, and some nice backrounds...
Toy could improve by giving a better ending, say like making the typewriter attck back or maybe the gorilla gets his finger stick or something, also you can make him talk somehow, might give the flash more value to it...
A funny flash abit short, and good idea, but could use a better nding, nice job...
nice a gorilla typing stuff,well you use nice graphic and the animation look amazing,great job...