wait till ericho learns bout this
The 1979 remake of gone with the wind! Banned from Greenland. Dark. Sexy. Weird. Animutation...?
(so if you don't like cartoons with silly things and randomness then don't watch. you've been warned.)
so yeah vote 3, i'm reasonable.
wait till ericho learns bout this
The CNB of our time
Chocolate Niblet Beans has been tooken apart, had parts removed, had parts put in it's place, took things from modern times, old times, bizzare unidentified places, maybe a thing or two from DrunkMagikoopa, and Un-J's own strange and silly mind. The new CNB is...
Really great man, loved the whole thing, but the various parts before elephant head came along were my favorites. So a 10 you recieve. Deserved too.
((( I LIKED IT )))
I was impresed with this, as it had some interesting but odd characters, but it has a certain entertaining value to it, i do think it needs some compression though, but i liked it even watched it a couple of times, anyways very good animation, keep up the good work...
Compression and a 2nd version wouldnt be bad...
A good parody like flash with interesting characters...
This is my idol.
Everytime I go to create an animutation, I look at this for inspiration. This is probably the best animutaiton I've ever seen in my life. Good Job.
-Virtual Sting
I like to make sentences that don't make sensences
I'm shocked.
*blinks again*
Alright I'm less shocked now.
*blinks twice in a row (woot hax)*
K done.
That was totally... Weird.
I loved it.
It's kiddy humour. If it's even humour at all.
Now tell me the name of the second song.
Oh yeah.
It rocked.